
The Namibian insurance industry witnessed a lack of reinsurance capacity for a very long time. This meant that most insurance companies had to buy reinsurance business from abroad. This resulted in large volumes of capital outflow from Namibia to countries overseas.

It is against this background that Namibia National Reinsurance Corporation was established by an Act of Parliament (Act No.22 of 1998) to become a truly Namibian enterprise tasked with carrying out reinsurance business in Namibia.

Our Values

NamibRe prides itself with the highest commitment to core business principles, compliance to legal requirements and governance, commitment to business ethics and conduct. We are committed to conduct our business dealings with all stakeholders, beneficiaries and communities with the utmost transparency and integrity. Moreover, our value system extends to our internal stakeholders, our most valuable asset, our staff members. Our values are therefore:


We are dedicated to creating sustainable value. We create wealth while respecting the environment, enhancing our employees' lives, and contributing to our communities. Our success is evidenced through our continuous financial growth and our contribution to a sustainable world.


NamibRe is an agile company and we anticipate, respond and adapt to environmental changes in a seamless way as we see change as a continuous process.


We strive to utilise technology as a tool to challenge traditional beliefs and develop novel solutions for our stakeholders.


We cultivate a conducive, respectful and responsible environment for all staff members to thrive as a team with dignity and co-responsibility.


We set ourselves apart by our conscious efforts to set a positive example of behaviour, to build trust, to be reliable and transparent in decision-making.